Sympa documentation, including the administrator's manual, is now managed using a wiki (dokuwiki). This site provides many other documentations including “internals” for developpers.
The administrator's manual and most of the documentation are available in English only (no French version). Many French-speaking people are surprised at this because the authors are French but it is really difficult to maintain a documentation even in a single language.
Versions prior to 5.3 included latex documentation. We now moved to a wiki because we want to encourage contributions to the documentation, which will be far easier with a wiki.
Administration manual
Sympa Administration manual: this is the main documentation for installation, setup and customization of a Sympa mailing list server.
User documentation
There are many sources of documentation about Sympa.
For users, the main are included into Sympa web interface (since version 5.2.4 and later).
We've listed Sympa user's documentations of interest.
- November 2013: TERENA workshop
- June 2013: Sympa basis (French)
- June 2013: Advanced Sympa (French)
- December 2010 : upgrade party (French)
- June 2007 : advanced Sympa usage (6h), french, slides and video
- November 2004 :General tutorial about Sympa (6 h), French, slides. (This teaching material is available as source version on request)
- October 2004 : An Open Source middleware-enabled mailing list server, (Internet2 Fall meeting)
- March 2002 : english version (translation by mathieu Jan), French version and slides (pdf in French)
Installing Sympa
- Sympa Mailing List Manager Virtual Host Configuration, Folly Consulting, April 2008
- TP d'installation pas à pas : juin 2007 ; le support de cours de la formation “Installation et configuration d'un serveur Sympa” organisé par RENATER au CINES, Montpellier.
- Tutoriel d'installation Ubuntu : juin 2007 ; rédigé par Vincent Gatignol (VGSI).
- French documentation ; Juin 2000 : de la doc en bon français !, Frédéric Lallouet. A short documentation translated in French from initial documentation and adapted for Mandrake 7.0/qmail/Postgresql.
- installation de Sympa pour les nuls : Mars 2007, un guide d'installation en français de Jean-Philippe Barrière (ENIT)
Articles about Sympa
- Analyse du sondage sur Sympa auprès de la communauté des administrateurs, David Verdin, 2015
- Sympa presentation at YAPC::Europe 2014, David Verdin & Etienne Méléard, 2014
- Sympa List Server to the Rescue, Mark Sallee, May 2010
- Using Sympa as a VO group manager presentation at the Fall 2009 Internet 2 member meeting, San anatonio, TX, USA, October 2009
- Le couplage Sympa - ferme de (doku)wikis pour les organisations virtuelles (french) presentation at JOSY's days, October 2009 - voir la video
- report from the PARCEL project on Sympa usability, 2007
- Wiki and mailing list integration, an example of middleware application , EUNIS 2008 Conference, June 2008 (ODT source)
- Wikis + mailing lists + shibboleth integration for virtual organizations TNC 2008 Conference, May 2008
- Sympa, a mailing list server for universities , JT2006 conference, November 2006
- My Virtual Organization Collaboration System, John-Paul Robinson, Internet 2 2005 Spring meeting
- Authentication and access control in Sympa mailing list server (video streaming), Terena conference June 2004
- Ten cool things you can do with Sympa list software, Terena conference, March 2003
- Mailman vs Sympa, FTPress, February 2003
- Le groupware et l'open source (French), Julien Français, MTIC, March 2001
- S/MIME and Sympa mailing lists manager, Linux Expo Paris - February 2001, EUNIS 2001 Berlin - March 2001, FIRST 2001 Toulouse - June 2001.
- Un serveur de listes au coeur d'un groupware (French), Journées Groupware, November 2000. Video streaming(1.5Mb/s).
- Groupware around Mailing Lists, October 2000.
- Sympa presentation for Linux Expo Montreal, April 2000.
- Sympa versus Majordomo, May 1999
- fast start howto Haim Dimermanas june 2001
- Sympa - Mailing-Listen fast in SelbstbedienungGünter lau Hu-Berlin, November 2001 (pdf)